Too often we can allow our circumstances to run our lives and breed an attitude of hopelessness, envy, and unrest. The biblical call, however, is to focus our eyes on God who provides for us, showers us with good gifts, and promises an eternity overflowing with joy.

To fight against discontentment, we developed a 3 week plan to walk through. So as you work through this guide, view this as your 3-week guide to repent of your discontentment. Let’s not settle for disobedience, but instead, press into the abundant life made available to us now in and through Jesus. 

Research shows it takes about 3 weeks to develop a habit, so it’s our hope at the end of these three weeks that we create sustainable practices to more closely follow Jesus as we do this together with others in our LifeGroup. When you’re finished, we’d love to hear how the Lord grew you in these three weeks. Share with us your story here.